
I cannot remember a time when I was not creative in some way. Even when my career choices took me down a scientific/business route, creativity was always bubbling along in the background. For many years it was simply for my own pleasure, something I always squeezed in around work and other commitments.

I have many years experience of the business world, working for large organisations and running various small businesses.  However, now my children are grown and don’t need me in the same way, art is taking up more and more of my time.   As well as having my own practice based in Perth, Scotland, In 2016 I successfully undertook an MFA in Art, Society and Publics at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design in Dundee.

I work with all things textiles, including weaving, machine and hand embroidery, crochet and anything else that can be classified as textiles. I also work in pastels and sometimes the two cross over.  I enjoy the textural, tactile and sculptural qualities that these mediums can have, but also love experimenting and particularly enjoy getting out and about into the wider world.

Also introducing Lucy, my helper.

my textile cat